Nov 04, 2012

We’ve all seen the horrible images of Sandy’s destruction this past week. And we’ve seen the great efforts of many New Yorkers doing what they can to help. Today, my girlfriend Ered and I went down to Red Hook unsure of how we could do our part, but determined to do so regardless.

We made our way to the Red Hook Initiative and got assigned to bring prepared meals to the sick and the elderly living in the Red Hook Houses. The second largest PJ in NYC is still completely without power and some buildings are 14 stories tall. I know because we trudged up there through pitch-black and narrow staircases and hallways to deliver what little we had so that those who could not make it down on their own could eat, have water, and request necessary supplies. We found extremely grateful, yet exhausted and terrified people who needed this help at least three times a day.

Later, we helped unload and dole out rations in Coffey Park- barely edible MREs, water, thin gov’t-issued blankets, diapers, etc. Some of these folks also needed help just to get their stuff home. As the sky darkened and the chill deepened, an unsettling reality set in, especially as those who showed up too late to get blankets expressed their frustrations and absolute fear, that the worst was still coming. Others were too defeated to say anything and quietly walked away. I wanted to punch the fuck out of someone and weep at the same time. Until the power comes back to this area and some dignity is brought back to these already marginalized people, the situation will be even more dire. And yes, I KNOW Red Hook is not the only area suffering terribly.

I counted around twenty US Army soldiers, a handful of managers from the Mayor’s office, and a couple of Salvation Army workers. The rest were eager and capable volunteers. I didn’t write this to pat myself or anyone else on the back for a job well done. Fuck that. What happens when the majority of these weekend warriors go back to work on Monday, done with their ‘duty’? Those of you who got up close and saw the looks in the eyes of the New Yorkers badly affected by this epic disaster know the reality- it is fucked up beyond belief and will continue to be well after the lights come back on.
If any of my freelance friends are available, I plan on returning to Red Hook tomorrow. Supplies will again be handed out in Coffey Park from 12pm-4pm or whenever the shit runs out and the Red Hook Initiative will again need people to run food up to those who can’t fend for themselves. As much as I don’t want to pick and choose an area to fight for, Ered and I ended up there today and the fight isn’t over. As a native New Yorker, it is impossible to properly express and contain my anger and sadness. I’ll need to stay away from social networking for a while to shield myself from posts of warmth and “return to normal” food pictures, and worse yet, posts of disaster porn. Otherwise, I may yet punch the fuck out of SOMETHING or just collapse and weep.

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